Real Estate Outlook 2020
Sheraton Wall Centre 1088 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, CanadaThe Jurock Real Estate Insider REAL ESTATE OUTLOOK conference is the quintessential real estate outlook for the serious investor or homeowner.
The Jurock Real Estate Insider REAL ESTATE OUTLOOK conference is the quintessential real estate outlook for the serious investor or homeowner.
Ozzie Jurock speaks at the Real Estate Action Group.
Ozzie chairs Real Estate Action Group - call 604-717-6050
DON'T MISS THE BEST REAL ESTATE FORECASTING CONFERENCE... LAND RUSH 2020/2021... 2020 is shaping up to be a year of turmoil, confusion and uncertainty! Get into clarity!
DON'T MISS THE BEST REAL ESTATE FORECASTING CONFERENCE... LAND RUSH 2021... 2021 is shaping up to be a year of turmoil, confusion and uncertainty! Get into clarity!
We are very pleased to inform you that our next LIVE Outlook/LANDRUSH 2022 conference will be held on September 10TH, 2022 at the Pinnacle Harbourside Hotel. See for Speakers and Tickets
The Real Estate Action Group Monthly is a monthly group led by industry experts. It is open to all those who want to create a better life for themselves through Real Estate investing. The focus is “getting into Clarity and Action“. See for more info. Join Ozzie Jurock and Brent Roberts for the Real Estate
Ozzie Jurock gives the Keynote speech at REIC/IREM BC Chapter 50.
The Real Estate Action Group Monthly is a monthly group led by industry experts. It is open to all those who want to create a better life for themselves through Real Estate investing. The focus is “getting into Clarity and Action“. See for more info. Join Ozzie Jurock and Brent Roberts for the Real Estate