Get rich fast! Build sixplex – Timeline and cost. How much DP? How much profit? FREE cheatsheet! NOW

Key Takeaways:  Follow Up with Ozzie and Bill Laidler: discuss sixplexes: Cost and timeline analysis. MUST WATCH. Key questions: How much down payment is required? What profit margin does the bank require to grant a loan? Loan size specifics. Timeline details: Developer due diligence and design. City permit processing. Contingency

URGENT! 3 ways to profit from new Multiplex laws in BC. Pitfalls and massive opportunity if you know…

3 ways to profit from new Multiplex laws in BC. Pitfalls and massive opportunity if you know... Ozzie talks with Bill Laidler, President of Laidler Academy, Laidler Development, and LaidlerTrusted. Real Estate Agent turned Multi-Family Developer in 7 years. As one of Remax Western Canada Top 5 Agents between 2013 - 2020,

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