Oz Buzz

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” 

–Ralph Waldo Emerson


Ozzie Jurock has managed some of the largest real estate corporations (10,000+ employees). He is an author of several real estate books and is featured in Donald Trump’s 2009 real estate book. Ozzie jurock is one of Canada’s leading business motivators and whose investor outlook conferences attract over 500 attendees every time. In Oz Buzz, Ozzie interviews people that have followed their own unique road to success.
Read more here at www.ozziejurock.com/about


Today’s Issue:

  • World Outlook Financial Conference
  • Hot Properties
  • Interest Rates
  • Questions, Questions
  • Ozzie opinions


This World Outlook Conference will be the best one ever! February 1st & 2nd.
Let’s get straight to the point. If you had attended the World Outlook Financial Conference last year and acted on the advice you would have made money on every single investment recommended. Here are just a few examples they recommended:

  • Viemed Healthcare at $2.41 at the WOFC – today it trades at $5.30…up 119%.
  • Photon Control Inc – recommended at .62 cents at the WOFC  – today 1.17 …up 98%
  • Boyd Group – recommended at the WOFC at $61– today $119…up 95% – (Boyd was first recommended at under $20 at the 2013 Outlook Conference.)
  • Sylogist – recommended at the WOFC at $8.60 – today $13.62… up 58%
  • The official WOFC Small Cap Portfolio was up 66%. Incredible but let me make perfectly clear that doesn’t happen every year. However, in the 10 years since Mike Campbell released the first WOFC portfolio it has never failed to deliver double digit gains.

Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results, but we like the chances given that Mike chooses the speakers based on their track record (including yours truly the Oz Man!). And on that score the group of headliners includes the incredible Martin Armstrong, Keystone Financials’ Ryan Irvine and Aaron Dunn, BP Global’s Paul Beatty, Timers Digest Market Timer of the Year, Mark Leibovit, and Josef Schachter, is the best you’ll get to see anywhere.

I was on a world cruise last year but told the audience in 2016 & 2017 to buy condos in Surrey, Richmond-Brighouse and all of Vancouver. In particular, I focused on presales in the Fraser Valley, some of these had a 250% return on their presale down payment. You’d have also done well on our recommendation of buying warehouses for pot, movie production spaces and investing in student housing. Next week, watch for my 8 astounding predictions. 


  • Surrey 1.5 acre development site for potentially 12 townhomes or 3 single family lots. Price: $3,198,880
  • Port Coquitlam 10-bedroom legal duplex non-conforming fourplex with $5,290 effective rent and $6,000+ potential rent. 2018 renovated. Future development potential. Price: $1,388,880
  • New Westminster home with 3 suites $4,800 current rent for 2/3 suites. Fully renovated. *Vendor open to take-back mortgage or agreement for sale*. Price: $1,288,880
  • Surrey 5-bedroom 1/2 duplex with basement suite. Huge value-add opportunity. Price: $738,880
  • Aldergrove Rentable 2 bedroom + den top floor 1,160 sq./ft unit​ Price: $349,880
  • Victoria. Langford. Least Expensive Home in Greater Victoria (without strata fees). 3 bdrms, 1 bath, 7,326 sq. ft. lot. Price: $469,000. (5 comparable houses start at $525,000)


Q: I attended your Breakfast speech at the FV Real Estate board last Friday, I could not believe your international immigration numbers. 8% higher in 3rd quarter? Record international for the year? I was amazed of not seeing that as a headline in BC media. In your view, does the arrest of the Chinese CFO change that picture?
A: That is a great question. The reaction of the Chinese government shows that it is actively advising their people to stop buying NA goods etc. However, Huawei’s contract for 5G (which was US reason for arresting the CFO in the first place?) is in doubt now worldwide… All nations are wondering about dealing with that company (accused of implanting spyware in their software). Billions are involved. Cooler (Chinese) heads will prevail.

Q: Is the worldwide financial conference worth attending? We live in Golden, BC.
A: I’m speaking. So, it’s worthwhile, ha-ha! Seriously though: Come to the BEST conference in all things financial in the WORLD for 26 years! This is a pivotal point in our financial history. You will be able to make much better decisions after attending. BTW, I drive thru Golden every year to my place in Kimberley … lovely place.

Q: Go variable or go long on our mortgage?
: Not a black and white answer at this time in the cycle. For clarity… Go to ozbuzz.ca: listen to mortgage aces Dustan Woodhouse and Kyle Green. (They both believe variable is better.)

Q: Loved your story about sitting on an island, dropping your sausage and being surprised. I have never heard of Thormanby island. Where is it?
A: 15 minutes from Secret Cove (close to Sechelt). 

Q: My assessments are too high, but should I dispute them, if I want to sell?
A: Keep property? Yes. Sell property? No. Buyers will feel better with high assessment.

Comment: Your stock market assessment childish. Stick to real estate.
Childish? Yes. Only a child can see that opening stocks are up 500 points, down 300 points by noon and finishing up 400 points is NOT normal. It certainly is NOT a bunch of individual investors acting together worldwide. It’s the machines run by Hedge funds. Period. Individuals buy stocks. Hedge funds and their machines buy market movements directed by their algorithms and timing. There should be an investigation covering December activities. In the meantime, individuals are out. However, you have a point. I am NOT an expert on stocks. I look at stock markets, Brexit, interest rates, etc. only to find out what – if any – impact it could have on our real estate markets. Stocks drop – people won’t buy that cottage. Europe, England and China in turmoil, more people will come here…etc.

Comment: I love your Cash is not Trash! You have been preaching for a while that the amount of cash one should have is ‘age dependent’. i.e. ‘if over 70 – 50% cash, etc.’ … are your ratios changing?
A: No. But the older you are, the harder it is to make back the losses. The astounding losses of the last quarter to individuals were and are murderous. Come to Outlook conference and get into clarity from 20 or so experts.


Interest rates. The Dovish tone by the FED was followed Jan 24, by the ECB head Draghi: “Will not raise rates – at least throughout the summer.” I think rate increases have been successfully kicked into the future. The goal remains, but fear is greater. Hard assets will benefit. The Tsunami of rolling debt turnover will also put pressure to keep rates low.

Davos economic conference. Watch the ‘talking heads’ and learn nothing: Gold will be up and down, stocks will be up and down, economies will be up and down, world is slowing down and going up. Just pick your favorite head. The conclusion? They don’t know.

US Jobless claims January 24 are at 50 years lows!


  • NEW PODCASTS  – People journey into success.
  • Karim Viraniis the founder of Virani Real Estate Advisors virani.ca His tremendous passion for the real estate industry has garnered him many awards and ranked him consistently in the top 1% of all Realtors in Greater Vancouver, and the top 100 Realtors in Canada.
  • Dustan Woodhouse, dustanwoodhouse.ca strategic consultant to Mortgage Architects, and ‘2017 Mortgage Broker of the year’ in CanadateachesPeak performancein all phases of life.His road has led him to re-invent himself more than once into his future best. Continuouslyworking on Body and mind… and yes… also we talk mortgages – Variable or Fixed – tune in for some expert advice.
  • Listen to more podcasts at OzBuzz.ca


I picked up Seth Godin’s classic ‘Purple Cow’ again. You’re either a Purple Cow or you’re not. You’re either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice. What do Starbucks and JetBlue and KrispyKreme and Apple and DutchBoy and Kensington and Zespri and Hard Candy have that you don’t? How do they continue to confound critics and achieve spectacular growth, leaving behind former tried-and-true brands to gasp their last? A very thoughtful marketing book, that my company use extensively. He also has a great daily blog.


Too busy to read? Want to listen to Ozzie’s book for free? Sign-up for a free trial at Audible by clicking HERE and get Real Estate Action 2.0 FREE!


Go to www.realestatetalks.com – Some 2,500 members (47,009 posts) talk real estate. Ozzie created this bulletin board in 1998!
If you are in a real estate related industry of any sort (realtor, appraiser, lawyer, home inspector, etc.) list yourself in Ozzie’s free British Columbia real estate directory at www.bcred.ca.


Watch his new video on Ozzie’s Picks – Oliver, Pemberton and Victoria above. And you can subscribe to his channel and see all his videos, including selected bits of the fabulous Michael Campbell show and the “Blast of the Pasts” – watch what Ozzie said in 2010 on BCTV and more here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyejcpi0Ecw


On air with Michael Campbell on fabulous MONEYTALKS every Saturdaysometime between 8:30AM – 10 AM. The Hot Property that we discuss there, is available by subscribing to the Oz Buzz Dispatch at Jurock.com


You can reach me at info@ozbuzz.ca with all of your questions, comments and concerns regarding the Oz Buzz publication.


We attract what we think about
What we want, we attract
What we love, we attract
What we fear, we attract

What we want with passion, we attract faster.

I attract the essence of that to which I give thought
What I want, I attract
I will be clear about what I want
I focus on what I want

I will grow into my future best!

Look up all the “Grow into your future best”cards at: www.commitperformmeasure.com

Oz Buzz Podcast


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