Get rich fast! Build sixplex – Timeline and cost. How much DP? How much profit? FREE cheatsheet! NOW

Key Takeaways:  Follow Up with Ozzie and Bill Laidler: discuss sixplexes: Cost and timeline analysis. MUST WATCH. Key questions: How much down payment is required? What profit margin does the bank require to grant a loan? Loan size specifics. Timeline details: Developer due diligence and design. City permit processing. Contingency

WOW! MUST-KNOW 6-Plex Approval Secrets! Free Cheat sheet and Sample Deal! Free Evaluation of Your Lot!

Key Takeaways: Ozzie discusses 6-plexes on a Single Family lot with Bill Laidler. MUST see. Step-by-Step Process: A sample application for two 6-plexes from start to finish. Hotspots: Discover the best development sites in Metro Vancouver. Market Snapshot: 150 applications now in Vancouver; over 500 in Burnaby. Deal Structuring: Sample

NEW! Where are top Places to Build Multiplexes: Best Government for Investors to Max Profits! Risks?

Key Takeaways:  Bill 44 Under Different Governments: NDP: How does Bill 44 impact builders and investors? Conservatives: What changes would occur under Conservative leadership? Minority Government: How might a minority government affect Bill 44? Bill 14 – Changes to Offsite Requirements What's been altered, and how does it affect developers?

MORE URGENT! The new Multiplex! Where – how exactly? What rules? Get FREE STUDY – DEFINITIONS – CHECKLIST

Expert Guest: Bill Laidler, President of Laidler Academy and Laidler Development. Laidler is a trusted Real Estate Agent turned Multi-Family Developer in 7 Years. Look up past Laidler multiplex video here: URGENT! 3 ways to profit from new Multiplex laws Bill offers a FREE FEASIBILITY - watch this video for how you can get it! email:

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