December 20, 2023 "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." Latest OZZBUZZ Ozcast VIDEO and OZBUZZ Podcast AUDIO: Watch videos: RealEstateTalks: Vancouver Island. The time to buy is NOW! Ozzie interviews author

Oz Buzz #6

#OZBUZZ #REALESTATEMARKETS #BOOK #WORLDVIEW #REALESTATE#NORTHWESTEXEMPTION #LIVELIFELARGE #TURKISHDELIGHT #YESTERDAYSDREAMS Today’s issue: Several comments: Do more on the world view/Do more details on real estate/ Love Behzat/Do it weekly. Lots of responses on all things real estate. A thinkers book. Ozzie on air. Bitcoin. Tesla. Inflation. Turkish Delight. Investment tip. Real Estate tidbits. US

By |2018-08-26T09:49:44-07:00August 17th, 2018|Categories: Oz Buzz|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Oz Buzz #4

RESPONSES Thanks for sooooooo many responses and all of them favourable! However, the biggest response was regarding my item on basking your BBQ meat in beer! Really? That’s what you gals/guys worry about? All fun aside, I appreciate you taking the time to reply and that you care. REAL ESTATE TIDBITS 1.

By |2018-07-21T10:33:01-07:00July 17th, 2018|Categories: Oz Buzz|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Oz Buzz #2

What is OzBuzz? Well, it essentially features from time to time my – often quirky opinions of the world, what I read, listen to, and my “LIVE LIFE LARGE “pearls of wisdoms. I will also interview people from time to time that I find interesting or direct you to an existing video or radio piece.

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